By Monica Cravotta | Published: Thursday, May 6, 2010
Thank you so much to everyone who emailed giraffe photos this week. We have a really super sweet collection of images — and all of them were fantastic. I’d really love to give everyone a free Sweet Songs CD for taking the time to send these along. And because I want to make sure we quickly pay off the remaining album/event costs and start sending checks to the Milk Bank as soon as possible, I’m just going to stretch this give-away to four photographers: Eric, Clair, Bridget and Rebecca. Yay!
We will have your names on the guest list for the Mother’s Day Sweet Songs event and a CD waiting for you there. If you’re not able to attend Sunday, please send me an email, and I’ll happily send a copy of the CD to you in the mail.
Enjoy all of these gems — including my adorable niece and nephew, Matt & McKenna who worked with their Bama (my sweet Mom) to color some giraffe pictures for their cousins today. And Eric — after seeing your incredible pictures, Botswana is officially on my list of places to experience during this life. Could be a great family adventure when my children are older!
Thanks again to everyone!!
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