By Monica Cravotta | Published: Monday, March 14, 2011
What matters to Moms?
According to consumer research firms (Nielson, Keller Fay, Mom Central and Symphony):
Ah yes, keeping to a budget. I’m somewhat obsessed with this now. A few months after starting at Whole Foods Market, I realized that my employee discount card was a joke when I looked at how much money I was spending on food that I hadn’t before starting the job.
It was hard to resist with the grocery store downstairs from the corporate office. But I now limit my drop-ins for lunch at the store to once/week and I’ve been solidly disciplined in keeping to a weekly grocery budget. Ours is $150/week. What is yours? I’m so curious to learn if most mamas are able to keep to the national average of $120/week.
And though I’d like to take credit for sticking to the budget — I am doing it thanks to Phyllis, our life-saving Super Nanny who puts a meal plan and grocery list together for me every week.
I’ve never been a grocery coupon person. Though I am into Groupon and Living Social.
For those of you that are into taking advantage of discounts on grocery products with coupons, I understand there are a number of web sites you can join to print those off as well. is a good place to start.
Posted in Family Budgeting | 2 Comments
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