Posts Tagged ‘15 minute miracle’

The Power of Intention

wedding blissOur brilliant and amazing friend, Helen Attridge, has played a powerfully supportive role in our lives including marrying us in Austin almost five years ago. My how life has changed! 🙂

She’s a talented coach who shares all kinds of great tools for creating a life you love.  Here’s an easy meditative journaling exercise she adapted from the 15 minute miracle that you can do at the beginning of each day. In the past, I’ve done variations of this, including expressing gratitude at different times during the day for something I seek before it happens as if it already has.  This week, I’m all about expressing appreciation for my family’s health and practicing patience for this becoming so.

Today________is a new day for me to enjoy. I am free to choose my thoughts and in choosing my thoughts , I can choose what I attract and create in my life.

Today my intention is_____________________________________________________________

1) Give gratitude for the blessings you already have in your life. (Research shows that just 3 minutes a day spent in gratitude impacts the immune system for 6-8 hours.   Example:  I am so grateful for my health that allows me to enjoy my friends, my children.

2) What is a positive emotional state that you love to feel?  (grateful, inspired, passionate, secure)

I love it when I feel___________. When I feel this way I__________________which makes it easier for me to________________.

3)  Play wildly in your imagination and picture yourself living the life of your dreams — a life you would love to wake up to. Write about it as if it were already so.

4) Re-read #3.  Close your eyes and visualize yourself living this life, notice how it feels in your body and write down a description of the sensation.

5) Invite assistance from  your Higher Power. This may be spiritually based for you or may be a relative or friend you cared for who has passed away, a strong connection you have with nature, or other guides you check in with.

Dear______, thank you for your guidance, love and ongoing support. If it is in my highest good and supports my well being and my path and the path of others, please divinely orchestrate the following in just the perfect time. Examples:  Give me the strength to…….inspire me to…… me to……….help me to………

6) I am now ready to release any beliefs, patterns or behaviors (eg. self doubt, need to control, sabotaging myself), plus all other issues known and unknown that are preventing me from living my best life now. This act of releasing enables me to_______________.

7) Ask your wise self for advice or guidance.  Dear__________, please make it easier for me to move forward in my life by providing wise advice on the following question:_____________________________________.

Write down answers that you receive.

With enormous gratitude I now agree to __________ these and even greater gifts in just perfect time in wonderful ways that bless and benefit me and others.



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