Mothers and Grocery Shopping Trends

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What matters to Moms?

According to consumer research firms (Nielson, Keller Fay, Mom Central and Symphony):

  • 84% of us are concerned about pesticides, herbicides and growth hormones in food
  • 75% of us are influenced to buy organics if we have a coupon
  • 55% of us are willing to pay a premium price for certain organic products
  • 91% of us determine where to spend our money by other moms recommendations (that’s why so many businesses want mommy bloggers to write about them, though I’ve been approached by very few myself…what am I? wood?)
  • Households with a working mom spend $140 per week on groceries, compared
    to the national average of $121
  • When talking about feeding our families and the challenges we face, 57% of us say rising food prices and 47% of us saying staying on a budget.

Ah yes, keeping to a budget. I’m somewhat obsessed with this now. A few months after starting at Whole Foods Market, I realized that my employee discount card was a joke when I looked at  how much money I was spending on food that I hadn’t before starting the job.

It was hard to resist with the grocery store downstairs from the corporate office. But I now limit my drop-ins for lunch at the store to once/week and I’ve been solidly disciplined in keeping to a weekly grocery budget. Ours is $150/week. What is yours? I’m so curious to learn if most mamas are able to keep to the national average of $120/week.

And though I’d like to take credit for sticking to the budget — I am doing it thanks to Phyllis, our life-saving Super Nanny who puts a meal plan and grocery list together for me every week.

I’ve never been a grocery coupon person. Though I am into Groupon and Living Social.

For those of you that are into taking advantage of discounts on grocery products with coupons, I understand there are a number of web sites you can join to print those off as well. is a good place to start.

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2 Responses to “Mothers and Grocery Shopping Trends”

  1. bridget lewin says:


    We spend on average about $225/week on groceries..also not a coupon person, I buy exclusively organic, from fruits and veggies to milk and grains; we also eat meat moderately, and it is more expensive to buy organic, grass fed meat, wild fish, free range organic chicken.

    Love you!!


  2. Nikki says:

    Hi Monica,

    We spend about $300 per week on groceries – all at Whole Foods in Dallas. No meat (do occasionally buy Field Roast), 100% organic fruits and veggies, cheeses (ugh – so hard to quit), bread, organic almond milk (my 3 year-old blows through it), lots of beans, grains, nuts. I have to say my grocery budget also includes some more expensive items like coffee, vitamins, and skin/hygiene products (we really use those coffee, bread, and body care cards!) I should probably look into for some of those items. Last week I even bought a few Hibiscus, but they were cheaper at Whole Foods than at the nursery! I think if I subtracted the non food items, my bill would probably be around $150 to $200 per week.



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